Menu Overview

Many of the menu options can also be accessed with shortcuts or features on the Main Toolbar. Below is an overview of all Menu views.

Artsystems Pro Menu

The Artsystems Pro Menu provides access to general information and settings about the program as a whole. Clicking on the Artsystems Pro Menu option allows users to change database options (Preferences), to discern the version currently installed on the workstation (About), and to close the program (Quit). In future updates the Services link in this menu will be activated to make Artsystems Pro even more dynamic.


NOTE: The Artsystems Pro Menu is only available on Apple computers.

Windows users will find:



The File Menu provides access to some of the same functions included in the Main Toolbar : click New Document to generate a document for any selected record; click Export to export data to a tab-delimited text file that can be opened and saved in Microsoft Excel (see To Export Data instructions below); click Open Document to access documents previously saved or linked with a record or to link additional documents with a record; click Print to access the Reports Menu ; click New Database to add a new database; click Copy Database to copy an existing database.


NOTE: When creating a New Database, you must also create a new Documents folder and Image folder for that database. When switching between the databases, the Document and Image paths will also need to be changed.


To Export Data

First highlight the module you would like to export from in the Module Sidebar. NOTE: You can export from any module, except the Transactions Module.


For an example of exporting from the Contacts Module, please visit our video tutorial at:

Exporting Records: Contacts


For an example of exporting from the Works Module, please visit our video tutorial at:

Exporting Works from Pro


Below are the instructions for exporting from the Works Module:


  1. Select from the menu File>Export.
  2. On the Export Works Screen move the desired fields from the Available Fields column to the Selected Fields column. To move the fields use the arrow buttons in the center of the screen. Highlight a selection on the Available Fields side and click the single right arrow to move into the Selected Fields column. The double right arrow right will move all fields in the Available Fields column to the Selected Fields column. The left arrows will move items off the Selected Fields column and back to the Available Fields.

  1. When the desired fields to export are in the Selected Fields column select Export.
  2. On the Save Export File Screen enter a name for the export file in the Save As field and select the location to save the file in the Where drop-down menu.

  1. Click Save.
  2. When the process is complete a prompt will appear Your data export is complete.
  3. Click OK and locate the Export file to use as needed.
  4. To export Images, move Image Path into the Selected Fields column and click the Include Primary and/or Include Additional buttons. This will activate the Location: Folder option. Choose a destination folder for the images before clicking Export.


To open an Artsystems Spreadsheet Report in Microsoft Excel, see also: Reports>Spreadsheet Reports>To Save a Spreadsheet Report with Images in MicroSoft Excel


General Financial Export


The General Financial Export feature allows users to export transactions to a standard delimited text file that can be imported into other software. The General Financial Export includes: Invoices, Cash Sales, Cash Receipts, Credit Memos, Payments, Inventory, and Contacts involved with respective transactions and/or expenses related to the respective Inventory.



The Edit Menu grants access to the Special Characters and Related Lists options.



The Record Menu is a navigation tool that helps users create, duplicate, delete and navigate among the records in the active module. It also indicates the keyboard shortcuts associated with each of the actions listed.



The View Menu allows users to toggle between the Detail and Spreadsheet screens.


Click History to see the editing history of records added or modified within the database. If Security is enabled, users can track who makes changes to the data file.




The Run Menu gives access to the Financial Reports.


QuickBooks Integration

The QuickBooks Export feature allows Artsystems Pro to export transactions to the QuickBooks Pro accounting application. Compatible versions of QuickBooks include: all QuickBooks Pro, QuickBooks Enterprise, and QuickBooks for Mac.


The feature allows Invoices, Cash Sales, Credit Memo's and Cash Receipts to be exported to the proprietary QuickBooks iif file format which can then be imported into the QuickBooks company file.


The setup process entails importing an exported QuickBooks Chart of Accounts from your QuickBooks company file, importing the file into Artsystems Pro, designating the posting accounts to the Pro inventory records and creating transactions. Posting to, or transferring transactions and related inventory and contact info into QuickBooks is managed by the user as to when the posting will occur, choosing the dates of the transactions to be posted as well as selecting the ContactTransactions.


A posting file is created by Artsystems Pro which the user will then download into QuickBooks. Below is a typical invoice downloaded into QuickBooks from the Artsystems Pro posting file, listing the Contact name, transaction type, number and date, the financial accounts and values and any memo information. The inventory title and artist/maker also download into the QuickBooks item list.



The Artsystems posting file also transfers the Contact information, into the QuickBooks Contact table. The Contact name, address 1 and address 2, city, state postal code and country all download into QuickBooks from the same posting file.




The Image Menu gives an alternative way to add and remove images. Choose Attach and browse to the image location. Many images are taken with smartphones or tablets and these devices store orientation information in the image file. As such, if you drag an image onto a Work record, the image may have an incorrect orientation. The Image Rotate feature allows the user to rotate the image by 90, 180 or 270 degrees.


Users can also add an image to a Work record by finding the appropriate image file and easily dragging the file into the Work Detail's image window. Artsystems Pro automatically duplicates your original high resolution image .TIF or .JPG, resizes and removes any illegal characters in the filename. This feature allows flexibility in the management of your high-resolution image files outside of Artsystems Pro.


NOTE: Best practice image management is to ensure image filenames only have letters, numbers and underscores with no spaces. If you are converting images files from another system, or an older Artsystems program, we can provide instructions on how to correct your image filenames.


The Window Menu allows users to recall any open Detail Screen from any module. For example, if a Contacts Detail, Transactions Detail, and Works Detail are active, you can view all three records side by side using the Window Menu (that is, if your monitor screen is large enough to view all three screens).